UPDATE: Include The MAKING – Watch The Full NG Part 1 & NG Part 2

UPDATE: 8/4/14

Thanks for my buddy Jinny for notifying me about a link to the full viewing of THE MAKING, you can check it out here:

Direct link: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/BnRq__gtHHI/


Here’s a link that commentor CeRam24 was nice enough to share…I believe it’s the FULL NG Part 1 and NG part 2, thank you CeRam24!

Direct link Part1: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1trt96_diret-cut-part-1_shortfilms


Direct link Part2: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1trxhq_diret-cut-part-2_shortfilms


Direct link Part3: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1ts92w_diret-cut-part-3_shortfilms




Hi guys, I manage to find the full NG part 1 for you to look at…although I’d say this one is probably the least exciting of the bunch there’s still quite a few good shots here.  You can read my description of some of the more memorable good NG’s here if you haven’t already.  Then watch this or skip it to the good parts 😉  Enjoy it while you can because after all this is Youtube so I don’t know how long it will be up for, that I can’t guarantee.

WELL THAT DIDN’T LAST TOO LONG DID IT??? Since the Youtube now is render useless….here’s the NG part 1 link from Youku instead:

http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNzA4NzkyMTAw/v.swf  (full large screen)

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzA4NzkyMTAw.html  (this is the direct link if you can’t view the full large screen above)

This one is NG for part 2.  This has a lot more interesting stuff here.  I believe it’s truncated from 2 hours to about 1 hour but it’s still something for now (most likely a lot of boring stuff had been cut out that’s why) If there’s a full one I find later I’ll updated here.

Update: I think the NG for this part 2 only pertains to the first hour, they are missing the second hour.

http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNzA4NzkyNDg4/v.swf  (full large screen)

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzA4NzkyNDg4.html  (this is the direct link if you can’t view the full large screen above)

16 responses to “UPDATE: Include The MAKING – Watch The Full NG Part 1 & NG Part 2

      • yeah, lol, every time he smiles or laugh I couldn’t help but do the same…he had that charm about him I’m sure what gets the girls/women to be so touchy feely around him (comfortable in other words)

  1. onnie… the link cannot open, both link T___T is it bcos of my connection? darn it, i really want 2 see that full NG

    • really?? 😦 😦 I don’t know it works fine for me ….did you try the htm link to the website? that at least should work…it’s just a website. Try again later and make sure it’s on the computer because sometimes certain platform like phone or pad might not work. I know too that Youku takes time to load as well so maybe a less then strong internet connection might be hard to view.

    • well, the closest is the gifs I have…I guess the link here didn’t include that scene since the NG for part two is only 1 hour when it should be 2….If I find the second part I’ll put it up but the gifs really show alot of it 🙂

  2. Dear unnie safiresea, thanks a lot for your kindness and warm heart, for sharing the happiness ^-^

  3. Is there a direct link to the DailyMotion version of the NG videos? I keep getting ads coming up every three minutes or so, and one of the ads that I get, which is for a cellular phone provider, throws off the video.

  4. i really like this blog, keep updating unnie, and the fanfic, can’t wait to watch the next…

    • awww, sorry still haven’t seen those…when I have time I’ll go looking for it some more, it seems everyone uploaded NG1 & NG2 but neglected the The Making Disc 😦

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